Jean Améry | At the Mind’s Limits | Never — Holocaust experiences are incomparable, indescribable & unintelligible. There can be no defense or justification for a world that includes Auschwitz. | Monstrosity or profundity — torture & concentration camps dehumanized victims beyond any reconciliation. | No possible explanation for the Holocaust. | Suffering of victims & brutality of perpetrators can never be fully grasped. Depth & intensity of experiences places them beyond understanding or atonement. | Homeless |
Hannah Arendt | Eichmann in Jerusalem | Yes — through the banality of evil. | Banality — Eichmann committed mass murder out of duty, lawfulness, stupidity & warped morality, not seduction or indoctrination; Criminals do not have to be monstrous to commit monstrous crimes. Great crimes can originate from small causes, but small causes can be overcome. | Eichmann was a new type of criminal, but the Holocaust was not a new type of evil. Nazi evil lost recognizable quality of temptation & developed from modernity. Was Eichmann evil? | At Home | |
Yehuda Bauer | Rethinking the Holocaust | Yes — through an expanded category of shared humanity & the context of human actions. | Both — Evil is comprehensible in principle but difficult to explain in history. Humans (Nazis) can be evil but not inhuman. | History is explicable & the Holocaust was perpetrated for human, not inhuman reasons. | At Home | |
Dan Diner | Beyond the Conceivable | Yes — by expanding conceptions of rationality to include counter-rationality. | Both — Nazi totalitarian fog obfuscated individual responsibility, but Nazi worldview led to mass murder. | Nazi actions were counter-rational, not irrational, confronting civilization with radical new evil. Nazis dissolved distinction between perpetrators & victims in ghettos. | ||
Saul Friedländer | Nazi Germany and the Jews | Yes — through the context of violence in Poland & “redemptive anti-Semitism” But comprehension does not provide closure. | Distinguish banal & monstrous but fuse them together — Holocaust perpetrated by ordinary people within an extraordinary regime. | Intentionalist — Jewish policies driven by Hitler & grew from bond between Fuhrer & German society, Nazi institutions, evolving war & Hitler’s “redemptive anti-Semitism.” | ||
Hans Mommsen | From Weimar to Auschwitz | Yes — through the political & psychological structures of the Third Reich. | Both — Holocaust revealed the fragility of civilizational structures and what insignificant mechanisms can destroy it. | Functionalist — technocratic & bureaucratic machinery created environment for persecution & deportation to become genocide. Hitler was a “weak dictator” & the Holocaust had no grand program. | ||
Susan Neiman | Evil in Modern Thought | Traces 2 intellectual genealogies: (1) Jean Jacques Rousseau to Hannah Arendt; (2) Voltaire to Jean Améry | Good or bad intentions were less relevant. “Souls generally go at bargain rates.” Banality does not explain or justify evil but provides a conceptual framework so that evil does not threaten reason itself. | Holocaust did not take place by accident, but evil intentions are insufficient for all the evil actions they caused. | Holocaust should expand (not destroy) our understanding of human nature & our own capacities for evil. | |
Special Explanations: Teleology | Sonderweg (Special Path) | Yes — through Germany’s special historical path from the 1848 Revolutions or Franco-Prussian War which culminated in Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich & the gas chambers. | ||||
Special Explanations: Ideology (i.e., Daniel Jonah Goldhagen) | Hitler’s Willing Executioners | Yes — through Nazi ideology and “eliminationist anti-Semitism” or Adolf Hitler’s personality and leadership. | Monstrosity — evil motivations due to anti-Semitism, propaganda, brainwashing, or ignorance led to extraordinary atrocities. | Intentionalist — Hitler & his lieutenants masterminded the Holocaust by using propaganda to enflame German anti-Semitism. |